Hello! I'm Andrew Sillers, a software developer who loves working with front-end and back-end Web technologies, especially JavaScript.
- Check out my Stack Overflow profile. I'm a regular participant in Stack Overflow's
section, where I answer questions about prototypal inheritance, asynchronous code, closures, and cross-origin issues. - Have a look at my projects on GitHub to see some of my recreational projects.
HTML5 Netrek Client
HTML5 Netrek Client is a browser-based client for the old-school space battle game Netrek. Choose from five different ship classes, and conquer the galaxy with superior dogfighting, strategy, and teamwork. Using HTML5 WebSockets, you can engage in real-time multiplayer combat, playing right alongside players using the full desktop client!
Built with: Node.js, CAKE.js (canvas), Socket.IO (networking), Gamepad API
Lords of the Fey
Lords of the Fey is a nascent re-implementation of Battle for Wesnoth for the Web using HTML5 technologies like WebSockets and the Canvas API. The project includes a complete multiplayer game, allowing you to play as orcs or elves against up to three of your friends.
Built with: Node.js, EaselJS (canvas), Socket.IO (networking), Express (Web server), Passport (user auth), MongoDB (storage)
Taggem is an experimental multiplayer real-time roguelike you can play in your Web browser. The modular architecture of the code allows developers to quickly add new items and monsters to the game. In this simple demo implementation, you can battle thieving nymphs, hide behind boulders, blast enemies with freezing wands, and use portal guns to teleport yourself around the dungeon.
Built with: Node.js, ROT.js (canvas/rougelike utilities), Socket.IO (networking)
Stacklife is a combination of server-side logic and simple static content that creates an interactive implementation of Conway's Game of Life that you can display virtually anywhere on the Web -- even in a Stack Overflow profile.
Built with: Node.js, Express (Web server)